Wednesday whimsies

"Not coming out till I'm listed!"
It has been discreetly drawn to this Kat's attention by Thomas Netter (katpat!) that the World Intellectual Property Organization's ePCT receipts only list one of several applicants when there are multiple assignees on a patent application. This may not unreasonably be expected to cause some stress, not to mention palpitations, in the context of research and development collaborations and co-ownership, since the assignees whose names are not listed have no proof that the filing was done properly.  Comments, anyone?

Fancy an Information Influx? Come to Felix Meritis! From 2 to 4 July 2014 the Institute for Information Law at the University of Amsterdam (IViR) is organising a conference, Information Influx, to discuss the future of information law in the 21st century. Information Influx kicks off with a workshop for young scholars and a grand opening in the University Aula for conference participants, the media and the general public. For the next two days, Information Influx will convene in Felix Meritis (the rather handsome building on the left) to explore societally and economically relevant themes such as open access, digitization, creativity, media diversity, internet censorship, cybersecurity, news, pervasive profiling and privacy in public in a series of seminars, panels, as well as presentations. All the details, and more, can be found by clicking here.  There's also a call for papers for the young scholars workshop which takes place during the conference, the details of which you can access here.

Have you tried the tool kit? Antonella Barbieri (Portolano Cavallo Studio Legale) has emailed the Kats to tell them that they've fixed up a practical tool kit aimed to non-Italian speaking people [Merpel's puzzled: is this in contrast with non-speaking Italian people? No, says the IPKat, it's people who speak, whether they are Italian or not, but who don't speak Italian] in connection with the Regulation on copyright enforcement on electronic communication networks, approved last Thursday by the Italian Communication Authority [on which see Alberto Bellan's guest post on this weblog, here, and Eleonora's breaking news post on the 1709 Blog, here]. "The kit", explains Antonella, "includes our translation into English of the text thereof, too".  Here's the English translation of the Regulation's text, here's the tool kit and here's a review of the tool kit by an anonymous expert on the topic.

JIPLP news. The Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice (JIPLP) is published by Oxford University Press and, as such, is emphatically not an IPKat production.  Having said that, JIPLP is never too far from this weblog's heart.  IPKat blogmeister Jeremy is its founder editor, Eleonora its deputy editor and Neil, Birgit and Darren are members of its editorial board. Add to that the fact that Annsley, Laetitia and Miri are contributors and Bertrand is in the process of submitting an article and you can see why the journal gets more than the occasional mention on this weblog.  Anyway, there are various reasons for mentioning JIPLP here.  First, on the left you can see the smart blue cover which the journal is using for 2014, in place of last year's red.  Secondly, here's the contents list for the January 2014 issue. Thirdly, just to say that the journal's readers' and writers' LinkedIn group has really taken off and is already generating fresh articles and ideas: do check it out!

Around the weblogs.  On SOLO IP, Kat blogger Jeremy muses about inconsistencies in continuing professional development requirements as between IP professions and countries, wondering whether it would be a good idea to tidy things up a bit.  On PatLit, another superlative post from Stefano Barazza details the fate of Nebraska's home-made attempt to tackle patent trolls via their lawyers.  MARQUES's Class 99 design law blog praises ACID's constructive attempt to provide a better and legally more congenial environment for dealings with design rights via the ACID Online Marketplace -- and let's not forget the latest stunning CopyCat round-up of copyright issues from Ben Challis on the 1709 Blog.

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