Fix Copyright! group set up to ask you how to review EU copyright

Burt could not wait to open
 his Christmas present
Via a most precious Katfriend comes the news that a new interest group - called Fix Copyright! and composed of a large number of interest groups from across Europe, ranging from rights holders to public interest NGOs to large consumer representatives and everything in between - has just been launched.

Fix Copyright! believes in balanced copyright laws that encourage community participation, facilitate economic growth and spur innovation. It supports:
Joy! It was a Fix Copyright!
membership card
  • Flexible copyright exceptions that enable innovation;
  • Fair and proportionate liability for copyright infringement;
  • Equitable access to information for educators, libraries, cultural institutions and the wider community;
  • Fair and proportionate incentives for creators
Fix Copyright! is against:
  • Copyright laws that distort the balance between the interests of rights holders and broader public interest in access to knowledge;
  • The use of technological or contractual measures to unfairly restrict access to content.
The group was set up following the launch of EU Commission's Public Consultation on the review of EU copyright rules (here), and is seeking YOUR responses to the questions posed therein. You can have your voice heard simply by following this link

UPDATE: The website is still under construction, so check it out again in a few days' time!

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