Not the Royal Shakespeare Company. "RSC" triggers in many readers some happy thoughts of the Royal Shakespeare Company -- but by happy coincidence those letters also indicate the Royal Society of Chemistry. The latter's Law Group is running an event later this week on "IP Case Law" in Central London. While it's listed on the IPKat's Forthcoming Events page, the event is coming up so soon that this Kat thought it might be worth giving it a little nudge. If you have any friends who are scientifically oriented and want a bit of IP law that's dedicated to their interests and background, this might just be it. Click here for further details.

* General Provisions (Alberto Bellan)Once again, a big thanks to our friends for providing these subject-specific analyses so swiftly and efficiently.
* Copyright (Angela Daly)
* Patents (Stefano Barazza)
* Trade marks (Alberto Bellan)
* Designs (Sarah Burstein)
Around the weblogs 1. Via Roberto Ledesma (katpat!) of comes this link to this post on Morris Turek's blog on some rather alarming research into Trademarkia's tendency to prompt users of its services to apply to register as trade marks signs that contain trivial changes from well known and (in the US at any rate) decidedly registered marks. Elsewhere Tania Phipps-Rufus's goss-IPgirl blog was pretty quick off the mark with news of the partial revocation in the UK -- for non-use, no less -- of Gucci's iconic interlocking GG monogram.
Around the weblogs 2. "Living With Uncertainty" is the title of the editorial for the December 2013 issue of JIPLP: you can read it for free on the journal's jiplp weblog here. If you follow the Blogspot version of MARQUES's Class 99 design law blog, beware: it will be disappearing in the next few days. Class 99 has relocated and now lives here on the MARQUES website, next to its companion weblog, the Class 46 European trade mark blog. SOLO IP's Michael Factor has some lively things to say about solo patent attorneys filing their own patents and seeking to crowdsource their own funding. The normally quiet and peaceful SPC Blog, tied to the narrow issues relating to patent term extension for pharma and agrichemical products, notched up an alarmingly busy nine posts last week -- the most it has ever managed in a single week since it was launched in 2008.
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