Link Latte 133

#133 - Week of May 17, 2010

Soviet Terminator, 1946 - no digital effects - [animation, see the ending]
Illusions of Light, Color and Shape - [fascinating]
Great Automotive Design by Laurent Nivalle - [concept cars, scroll right]
Surreal Pink Bug - [wow nature]
Great Gallery of Space Art - [3D art]
Impossible Motion: Magnet-like Slopes - [wow illusion]
What's It Like to be "Voyager 2"? - 30 Years in Space - [reddit comment]
Another Zombie Satellite - [space tech]
Inside Hitler's Bunker: Rare Images - [history]
Extremely low VW Beetle mod - [weird car]
Underwater Caves, Dangerous Diving and Ghosts - [neat article]
Designing the Most Popular Talk: try it - [geek fun]
Munchausen by Proxy - [really, really weird]
Evil Genius - [must-see image of the month]
Ancient Objects of Mystery in History - [interesting]
A Walk in the Forest - [relaxing site, click around to explore, audio]
How to Make Latte Art - [useful?]
Amazing Predator-faced Plant - [nature]
Calvin's Dad Would Love This Site - [funny]
Hilarious: Visa Concierge Test, more - [pranks]
Sit on my case: suitcase / chair hybrids - [design]
Black Humour Alphabet: Animated, Original - [weird]
A Typical Conversation with My Mom - [fun video]
Impressive: Freestyle Skating - [wow video]
Sad, Sad Video: IKEA Lamp - [fun video ad]
Insane Rush Hour In Netherlands - [wow video]
Top Gear Takes on the Death Road - [wow video]
Sign up for The Toilet Paper - Like community college. Only a better curriculum and no commute. - [promo]
More cool bank notes around the world - [compilation]


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