April 1st - Top Office Pranks

Link - by A. Abrams

Continuing our series - make sure to read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Make this day stick in memory: Do something extreme!

Come to work properly dressed:

(images via 1, 2)

Loosen up!

(image credit: Koen de Muynck)

or, on the contrary, have a peaceful nap at your desk, equipped with this:

Some pranks are impossible to set up, but still a lot of fun to imagine -

Like organizing an office "sitting" parade on a beach somewhere:

(image via)

or having a next board meeting in a pond:

(image credit: Christophe Gilbert)

Give out some encouraging and motivational postcards:

(image via)

More Post-It notes taken to extreme:

(images via; bottom image - Rebecca Murtaugh)

Spread fake limbs everywhere:

(image credit: Defekto)

or celebrate with "money confetti" (though it has limited novelty factor nowadays):

Turn your cubicle into a giant hamster cage, complete with shredded newspaper and a wheel:

(image via)

The ink cartridge salesmen relax after work:

(image credit: Koen de Muynck)

Fresh twist on the "cardboard office" idea:

(image credit: Anne de Vries)

Cardboard cubicle idea may be old, but it still looks spectacular if done right:

(images via)

Covering up the sink... and everything else:

(image credit: Anne de Vries)

Foil is a perfect prank material - take your spring cleaning to extreme:

(image via)

Remind campers of office work - while on a picnic, procure this grill "spreadsheet":

(image credit: Art Lebedev)

Surprise your boss by wearing new shiny typing gloves:

(image via)

Irk that co-worker obsessed with cleanliness: photograph dust in the corner, print the poster and place it in the exact location:

(image credit: Anne de Vries)

Turn your office bathroom into a contest:

(image via)

Make some creative labels:

Here is great idea for a prank in the bedroom: Print out full-size poster of Marylin Monroe and position it so that it will look like Marylin lies next to you in bed (more info):

(image credit: Anne de Vries)

Just make sure you have way to escape if the prank goes awry:


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