One Fleeting Moment, Unbearably Beautiful


Scroll down for today's pictures & links.

One Fleeting Moment, Unbearably Beautiful

"Nuit Blanche" - Award-winning short film by Arev Manukian, music by Samuel Bisson (100,000$ prize at LG “Life's Good” FilmFest)


Today's pictures & links:

Portable VHS Camcorder, 1967

We've come a long way baby, obviously, since this technology was introduced in 1967 in VR-3000 Portable Quadruplex VTR by Ampex:

More images and info here.


This is pretty terrifying, if it's real

(original unknown)


Car Eye Candy

Alfa Romeo 332 Stradale, 1967 - extremely rare, only 18 are reported to have been made - more info

(image via)


"Mental Calculation": a math lesson in a Russian school in 1895. Look at the problem on the blackboard.

N. P. Bogdanov-Belsky painted this in 1895. Can you solve the problem presented before the disciples of this old Russian village school? Here it is:

Remember, this has to be mental calculation, no computer aid allowed.


Mixed fresh links for today:

How Vasily Arkhipov Saved The World - [shocking info]

The nuclear war had come much closer than people had thought... - [revealing interview]

Dioxippus: Historic Epic Fight - [someone should make a movie]

A look at the motorcycles used in WW2 - [vintage]

One of the most beautiful swords ever made - [cool design]

Sci-Fi Illustrations by Shusei Nagaoka - [some nsfw]

Vintage HiFi Equipment Ads - [classic audio gallery]

Gorgeous: 1967 Ferrari 330 P4 - [beautiful car]

Where Is My Food?!, more - [fun videos]

The Monster Eats... Mesmerizing, VW Snack - [wow videos]

Computer Bug vs. the Cursor - [fun video]

Collection of various neat ads - [compilation]

Augmented Vision: Cybernetic Contact Lenses - [cool tech]


Jan Kaplicky: Architect of the Future

Jan Kaplicky's futuristic portfolio includes smooth blob-like shapes and curvy skyscrapers. The buildings have flowing, wavy shapes, reminiscent of the 1960s stylings by Luigi Colani:

More images here.


Unknown Cutie

A bunny. But if you count these two black patches as eyes, it turns into an alien.

(image via)

Here is another adorable fur-ball:


The Swan Car

vintage treasure, unearthed by the great site - Robert Matthewson's 1910 Brooke Swancar. Imagine cruising in this with your Victorian lady, definitely in style:

(image via)


Creative Phone Placement

(image via)


GPS, 1964 Version

First seen on a Ford Aurora concept car (which also had an interesting baby seats location, see below):


Did you check your kitchen lately?

(art by Wally Wood from Galaxy magazine)


Water!! ...makes this cat airborne:

To see more hilarious airborne cats, click here (a Flickr set).


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